Oops< I forgot to mention my carb question. The 901/05 engine with the S cams, is kinda...cammy, a little bit jumpy at lower rpms. There is however, a small (but noticeable) bang at about 5,200. Actually, I expected more with the cam cobo and smaller head ports. But, Oh well.

I expected some of that but it starts at first spark, takes an eternity (four minutes) while I must manually hold the accelerator until it warms to a nice even rpm, then produces an amazing amount of liquid from the exhaust. When parked it stinks. No, stronger word, floods the garage with gas fumes. Then there is the exhaust spray and puddle. (No jokes posted here)

Is this just 911 ownership, or should I be expecting more diffuculties with the S cams and italian carbs? Is there an ignition system should I be looking at?

I love it tho, Shawn/Snowbound

It was 50 degrees here today. Almost flooded.

I dunno about "hot cam like too" take it hotter?