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Thread: Talbot side mirror

  1. #1

    Talbot side mirror

    Can anyone tell me more about the ones I see on the early cars? What model is being used? How they are mounted , U-bolt or surface? What glass is best for street use, flat or convex and what size 3.5 inches or 4. Any good sources on where I can buy one? Any information would be greatly apperciated, I know some of the R Gruppe guys have them installed on their cars.



    R Gruppe #76

  2. #2
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Reseda, CA.

    I think Sam D. (swbsam) has all the info on the Talbot's you want to know... All the Who-what-where-and-hows
    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
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  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    I had talbots......I used a convex one on my P-Spyder replica....fantastic mirror! I still have the other-a flat mirror. It uses a U bolt(Im thinking)....I got them from Aardvark Int'l a few years ago.... cant remember. If youre interested, LMK, and we can work sonethin out!!
    71 911S Targa

  4. #4

    Cobra Restorers

    Cobra Restorers sells them....


  5. #5
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    San Dimas, CA
    I put a pair of new production Talbots on my 911 becasue that's what the Certificate of Authenticity said. They are now made in Los Angeles:

    Aardvark International
    P. O. Box 509
    Whittier, CA 90608

    Work: 562.699.8887
    Fax: 562.699.2288

    I think the version that would have come with an early 911 (or late 356) would be the chromed brass model Berlin 300 in the large 4" size. If you're going "R Gruppe" you might want to save weight and money with the aluminum mirror.

    I doubt that Talbot had convex glass in the '60s, but you can ask Aardvark. But use convex on the right if you want to see anything.

    The U-bolt mounting can be slightly tricky, but it's probably more secure and original.

    IMPORTANT POINT: Porsche did NOT install Talbot mirrors--they came to the car's owner in a box and the owner did the installing.

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