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Thread: Adding a message/Starting a new thread

  1. #1

    Adding a message/Starting a new thread

    You must be registered to start a new thread or to participate in forum discussions.

    You don't have to be a registered user to insert an advertisement in our classified areas.

    Go to the appropriate adv. page. Then click on "New Thread". Fill out the "subject" area. Write your message in the blank message area. After writing your ad, click on "Submit New Thread". That's it.

    If you want to include an image (".jgp" format stored on your computer), click on the "Browse" button at the bottom of the message area. The program will ask for the location of the file on your computer. After ID'ing its location, it will download it into the message area. Note: You cannot use the "Preview Post" option when images are loaded in this manner, and images must be no larger than 100K. After using the "Browse" image loading feature, click "Submit New Thread".

    After your message appears on the forum, you can always reopen it and revise or delete the text using the "Edit" button.

    Early 911S Registry Message Board
    Last edited by 72targa; 01-20-2019 at 07:09 AM.

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