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Thread: round vent instead of gauge?

  1. #1

    round vent instead of gauge?

    Our 911 will be off the road a while for its switch to Leda shocks...good time to work on the gauges.

    Got a couple of questions. on pg 55 of Laurence Meredith's 911 book, there's a pic of a dashboard that has a round vent instead of one of the small gauges. HMMM..since my clock is not working, nor necessary, this seems like a neat way to get some more air flowing through the interior. Any idea if there's a commonly available (SAAB?) round vent that would work?

    Second, once I get the gauges apart, is there anyway to make the markings less yellowed and more like they were originally? What would clean them without hurting the painted numbers?


  2. #2


    Digging around, I think it's the vent for the foot area on a 911, used on the dash, same approximate size.

  3. #3

    not round

    I take that back, the vents under the dash are oval. So..question still stands. Any idea what they used for the 3" vent on the dash of a 911R?

    Also....since I have the back of the dash exposed, I've been playing with the blower motor. I figured out that the switch on the dash controls resistance through the ground, not on the positive, so it must be getting unswitched positive from somewhere....but the red wire is dead at the blower motor. Any idea where that wire originates? It's not on the fuse boxes....I could just run another wire...but that's cheating.


  4. #4


    I found a round vent from a mid-seventies Mercedes 240D that was round and worked pretty well in the clock location. Not sure if it will stay, but since I bought it at the local "Pull Your Part" it was only $1.66....


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