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Thread: clutch problems

  1. #1

    clutch problems

    Hi to all,

    Well friday on the way home, the clutch pedal went to the floor and no more shifting. On inspection when I arrived home it turns out the nylon T shaped apparatus at the trans end of the clutch cable was the culprit. The "ears" on the nylon piece just sheared off. Before I order a new OEM part, I'm asking you all if there is an upgraded part made of a more durable substance, and where I might find one. Oh yeah ..70 911S , 901 box.

    Thanks to all,

    David & 9110310111

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Same thing happened to me 15 yrs. ago with my 70S. I purchased from Stoddards a aftermarket piece made out of aluminum, havn't had a problem with this piece breaking ever. I'm sure they are available from many sources.

  3. #3


    I thought i remembered seeing something about an aluminum piece before. I also remember being warned to replace this part as a precaution before it left me stranded. Thank god for good syncros!

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