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Thread: Rekeying Hood Lock

  1. #1

    Rekeying Hood Lock

    The ignition key does not lock the key on my hood lock. I do not have a key that locks/unlocks the hood lock. I want to rekey the hood lock so I can lock the hood on my Targa. What would be involved in rekeying the hood lock to work with my ignition key?
    1970 911S Targa

  2. #2
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    San Dimas, CA
    I can't speak with certainty about a 1970 Targa, but rekeying the lock might not work.

    At least on my '65, the ignition lock and the glovebox lock have a different number of pins. I seem to recall that the ignition has 5 and the glovebox 4. The key profiles might be the same, but there's no way to get one key to operate both.

    The '70 car may or may not have a similar problem.

    However, I do know of a Porsche locksmith who can not only give you a correct answer, but also do whatever needs to be done:

    Tony Eugano
    Locksmith Service
    501 Folcroft Avenue
    Sharon Hill, PA 19079-2211

    Work: 610-461-0519

    If you're near L.A., you might be able to catch him at the LitMeet on 31 January. He used to come every other year.

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