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Thread: Early S Diecast

  1. #1

    Early S Diecast

    Have been trying to find a 1/18th diecast of a stock Early S but not much luck other than RS/RSR. A Polo red '69 would be ideal but any red '67 to '73 would do in a pinch. Any good sources out there? I've tried the usual places like Minichamps, HotWheels etc... without any luck.
    Mark Lindman
    1969 911S
    1967 911 T Hot Rod
    (If Randy ever sells it to me)
    1956 HRG Twin Cam
    1951 212 Drogo Spyder
    Early 911S Member #496

  2. #2

    Zoom Zoom Zoom

    I know that our 911S Porsches are big boy toys, but this is getting ridiculous.
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

  3. #3
    Longhoods forever! silverc4s's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Somewhere in Texas
    I have a red 1/18th at home, not sure who the maker is. I'll look & post info tomorrow, Saturday sometime.

    I want a silver model, and have never been successful in finding. The hardest of all is good Targa models.. head down..;>(
    Bill Conway, Early S Registry member #254
    1970 S, 2.2L Silvermetallic Coupe
    1973 T, 3.2L Black Carrera Targa
    1969 T, 2.4L Silvermetallic Targa

  4. #4
    Longhoods forever! silverc4s's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Somewhere in Texas
    Just looked at the red car that I have. It is made in China (of course!), not really a good quality, but okay, about a B-, C+ kind of finish.
    It has the early car round mirror, drivers side only, says 2.4 on the rear deck grille, has no external oil door, so it must be a 73 with a 69 - 70 mirror.
    Wait it has silver trim (aluminum/chrome) was that still there on 73's? It has the small early bumper guards which ended in the US in 72, right?

    The maker is "Jouef Evolution", I think theyre related to Revell in some way.
    Hope this helps..
    Bill Conway, Early S Registry member #254
    1970 S, 2.2L Silvermetallic Coupe
    1973 T, 3.2L Black Carrera Targa
    1969 T, 2.4L Silvermetallic Targa

  5. #5


    At Xmas, I bought a very nice early 911S 2.2, available in several colors - the brand is "Eagle Race".

  6. #6
    We're talking about TOYS here right...TOY CARS???? I gave those up when I left the sand box in the 6th grade..
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

  7. #7
    Senior Member CurtEgerer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Sunshine State
    I'm an expert in 1:43 scale and there are several accurate high-detail models available from Minichamps. There's also some no-longer-available Vitesse stuff that's probably available on eBay. Eagle Collectible's has also got some early S models but the quality is not up to Minichamps standards.

    In 1:18, I'm not aware of any quality stuff out there other than RS/RSR.

    This is a 1:43 Eagle and you can see the numerous inaccuracies ......
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  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Eagle Race in 1:18 is about the best of the large scale cars....but not a patch on the 1:43 Minichamps....

    I seem to recall Tamyia did a narrow body 911 way back when, ealry 80s....but it may have been a big bumper car.

    At the time I wanted the Martini 935 which I need to restore...

  9. #9
    Thanks Guys,

    I'll check with Eagle-Race and see what they have in 1:18 and let you know.
    Mark Lindman
    1969 911S
    1967 911 T Hot Rod
    (If Randy ever sells it to me)
    1956 HRG Twin Cam
    1951 212 Drogo Spyder
    Early 911S Member #496

  10. #10

    Something for everyone

    Friday and Saturday I went on down to the Beinfield Antique Gunshow which is held at the Riviera Hotel here in LV. The gun that I would like to have taken home, besides the 1877 Sharps Long Range rifle for 35K, is an English Whitworth Target Rifle from the 1850's/60's. It was developed by Captain Alexander Whitworth as a means of making rifles accurate to 1000 yards. What it actually is, is an octogon shaped bore with and octogon bullet in 45 caliber. It was quiet successful, the Confederate States of America used them as their sniper rifle during the war of Succession. Today a good Whitworth is worth in the 10K range, this paticular target rifle was priced at 17K, which is a bit high. However the dealer who owns it, is know for his high prices.
    Master of the Buffet

    Voice of Reasoned Conservatism

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