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Thread: wires

  1. #1

    Unhappy wires

    I still need some help with the wiring problem ,
    As I said before the rats and whatnot (mice, Squirrels)
    Chewed up the wire in the engine bay and the trunk.
    Is there a way to take the wire from my 73 parts car and replace them .
    Also can I replace just the trunk areas and the engine bay, Does anyone know were they connect , are there plugs or do they run complete from part to part?
    1972 911t Coupe(being Restored)
    1973 911t Targa(parts Car)
    2001 Audi A4 Quattro
    2004 Ford F150

  2. #2
    You need to spend a bunch of time starting at an electrical diagram of the car to figure out where everything connects. It isn't super difficult but can be very time consuming. There should be one in a shop manual if you have one.

    Here's a link to the diagrams posted on the Pelican site-

    911 Electrical Diagrams

  3. #3
    thank you , I just starting looking at the maze , but it does no look to bad.
    1972 911t Coupe(being Restored)
    1973 911t Targa(parts Car)
    2001 Audi A4 Quattro
    2004 Ford F150

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