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Thread: Cold Start Wiring Question - Need Help!

  1. #1

    Cold Start Wiring Question - Need Help!

    I recently had to remove the CD box on my '75 Euro. When I got everything put back together, I noticed that my car is now very difficult to start. I have to crank it and crank it and crank it before it fires up.

    I checked that the wire was connected to the top of the cold start switch on top of the fuel filter, which it was. I followed the wire and saw that it merges with another wire that is grounded to a bolt on the side of the engine compartment. These two wires are then wrapped together into a harness that is about 1 foot long.

    Here's my problem: at the other end of this harness I have two wires with female spade connectors, but they aren't connected to anything. So my question is, where are the two male spade connectors that these two wires are supposed to be connected to?? I am hopeful that when these wires are reconnected that the car will once more start easily.

    Anybody? Many thanks to all!

    2015 McLaren 650S spider
    2001 Ferrari 550
    2010 Ariel Atom 3
    1979 Ferrari 308gtb

    Paid-up Registry Member & proud of it!!

  2. #2

    I do not know the answer but it is probably the same setup as the 73 RS. Did you compare your two cars? Just a thought.



  3. #3
    If I'm reading this correctly, those sound like the wires that connect to the 2 wire harness that goes thru the deck lid to the licence lights. Are your lic lites working?

  4. #4
    I saw on Pelican that you discovered that the wires were for the rear wiper that is not installed. I was close. I didn't think that the wires were for any MFI component since they all seem to be in the engine harness.

    It's no big deal to try one of the hoses in a jar. Once you turn the key, the cold start circuit will shoot some gas into the jar/can. You don't need to crank it much, the gas is there or it isn't. If you feel uneasy about gas in the engine bay, use a can with a plastic lid and hole cut in it. If you have gas in the can, then it's time to look at the hoses and squirters themselves. I shot Berrymans into mine and blew it out the way it went in with compressed air. I didn't blow it on through because I didn't want ot force debris towards the fine holed squirters and further clog them.

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