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Thread: suspension bushings

  1. #1

    suspension bushings

    1. What are signs of worn suspesion bushings?

    2. Has any one change all their bushings including the sway bar bushings?

    3. And if so did it make a differences?


  2. #2
    1. If the rubber is hard, cracked, and/or distorted.

    When it gets hard, it gives a rougher ride. I have new bushings ready to install, but I haven't had the intestinal fortitude to tackle the job yet. It looks kind of hard and tedious.

    I did replace the rear sway bar bushings, and it was a bear. You have to jam a large piece of rubber into a much smaller piece of metal. I did it with pliers, screwdrivers, and sweat. The rubber is pretty tough, so it can take a lot of abuse. I didn't notice a difference, but I might if I install the rest of the bushings.

    I live nearby, so give me a call. I need an excuse to install the rest of my bushings.
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

  3. #3
    I just replaced all my front and rear anti-sway bar bushings.
    The car now drives very differently and tracks very true; no more wandering.
    It drives like a new car.

  4. #4
    I replaced my front A-arm bushings with urethane, and rear swing plate bushing with Neatrix. Huge difference- ride quality went down a bit, but the car is far tighter. Big improvement.
    David Schultz
    1973 911T 2.7
    R Gruppe #228

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