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Thread: 1974 coupe ROW pics

  1. #1

    1974 coupe ROW pics

    Here is the car I was reffering to in my previous post. I hope I didnt get jammed to hard, I paid 11, 800 for the car. What do you guys think??

  2. #2
    there are more pics if you scroll down in the ebay ad.

  3. #3
    you can see a small hint of yellow in the engine bay. Thats why i was thinking it may have been yellow at one time.

  4. #4
    It looks nice and clean in the pictures. Schmitt has a little bit of a reputation in the used Porsche market, although some people really like them.

    Schmitt link one

    Schmitt link two

    You should insist on a PPI (pre-purchase inspection) before you take delivery of the car, if it's not too late. And you should also understand that Schmitt may be very difficult to get your deposit back from if a PPI reveals enough that you decide the car was misrepresented.

    That's not factory air. It's dealer installed. It was very common for dealers to install the AC in the early days because it was cheaper (tairiff/duty issues I don't understand) to ship the AC and the cars separately from Germany, and then have the dealer's technicians do the installation. The factory and dealer components were not identical (the dealer-installed versions would often skip the integrated front condenser, for example).

    The factory AC has stock kneepads underneath the unit's vent piece. The aftermarket ones are like your pictures show, with an integrated kneepad/vent piece.

    $11,000 for a 74 is not cheap, but -- depending on the condition of the car -- it's not necessarily a rip-off.

  5. #5
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI
    A dealer like this should know better than to advertise this car as an S. I think this alone would be grounds to back out if any other "surprises" come up.

    Paint code tag in the front driver door jamb should tell you what the original color was. List it here and someone will tell you.

    If it has good compression, runs well and has no accident damage - I'd say you got a heckuva car for the money. But - an engine rebuild would put you upside down in a hurry. Get a compression check before you ink the deal. Also check the trans and for oil leaks (a few drops a week is typical and no big deal).

    A few observations: The front spoiler looks squared off at the bottom? May be aftermarket. Steering wheel isn't right, looks like cheap aftermarket. Headlamp rings were chrome in '74, painted came later. Get rid of those nasty mirrors.
    All easy fixes.

    Your AC is dealer installed, judging by the vents. Factory AC ducts and vents were a self contained add on unit, bolted in under the typical knee bolsters.

    EDIT: WOW Just saw Jack's post. Read the second link - get a PPI BEFORE you give them any $ or sign a purchase agreement with an arbitration clause. Great post Jack - I despise dealers that operate this way.
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  6. #6
    Not sure on actual value but the NADA value on your vehicle assuming it is a 1974 and was an S puts it several thousand over what you paid.... it's probably not right on either the 74 or the S though due to what was pointed out on the other thread that the S's for 74 had different VIN number ranges? Unless I read it wrong...

    ANYWAY... it looks to be in really good condition and is supposedly low mileage (which you can never tell with some porsches since the odometers alot of the time have been replaced by now due to them breaking or replaced due to the large amount of moving from one country to another kilometers/miles etc... 10,000 ish would have been a really good price... 11,000 ish isnt bad in my opinion for what it LOOKS like... the real question is how does it run etc.... that would decide for me if it was worth what you paid though...

  7. #7
    hmm finally got around to skimming the schmitt links earlier... either way I'd say for 10-11k ranges it's not "bad"... unless you totally have no interesting in wrenching on it and enjoying it for how it looks rather then needing a "status symbol" of the name badge and stuff... alot of people get caught up in the names and models and stuff rather then just enjoying the car as it is... configuring it how you like and being happy with it. If it at least has the engine specs you want and visually looks like you want it... then just be happy and like it I figure....

  8. #8
    The car should also have chrome window trim, chrome door handles, silver Fuchs, narrow rear fenders- this car looks like an SC. A stock '74 should look much more like an early 911, like this:

    That said, if its mechanically sound, probably a great car. I have a 2.7 CIS motor, with backdated exhaust and no emissions junk, they run very strong.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    David Schultz
    1973 911T 2.7
    R Gruppe #228

  9. #9
    Nice looking car, but lots of non-'74 parts, so certainly not original. The mirrors look like the Vitaloni ones the dealer added to my '74. Period correct, but not stock. The A/C unit looks like an aftermarket unit made by VPC (VW) that was a dealer install item. Period correct also. I am suprised at the lengths taken to make it look like an SC though....the rear flares (only on a Carrera in '74-later on SC), the SC style wheels, and blacked out trim. The "S" was probably added with the later engine lid and grill. If it is mechanically sound and you like the look, I would say it is a good deal.

  10. #10
    that is one very NICE looking car. i am sure it will turn many heads and get lots of thumbs up. ENJOY!
    Sent from a pay phone

    888888 eL, Oph'eL'ia

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