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Thread: 15 x 6 Fuchs

  1. #1

    15 x 6 Fuchs

    I'm considering a set of fuchs from a '73 for my '69 911s. Will they fit correctly? Specifically , they are vin number 911.361.020.00.

    Can't find any 901s!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    69 911S...2.2

  2. #2

    Yes, they will fit

    I had a set of Fuchs with .020 part number on my 1970 911S Targa, which is the same body as your 1969. They fit fine until I found a set of the original wheels .012 part number, commonly called "deep dish" on it.
    Rich Osborne
    1970 911S Targa

  3. #3
    Scope Creep Poster Child
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Eugene, Oregon
    They will fit, but will be "late 6s" as opposed to "deep 6s." the appearance is a little different, and they have safety beads that the earlier wheels don't have. Also, they are easier to mount tires on, and use valve stems that are easier to source. If you want to keep your car absolutely correct, you should avoid them. Otherwise, they offer a more practical solution than the correct wheels.
    Early S Registry 1047
    ’15 VW GTI
    '70 911E, Sold

    '56 Cliff May Prefab

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Scott Clarke
    They will fit, but will be "late 6s" as opposed to "deep 6s." the appearance is a little different, and they have safety beads that the earlier wheels don't have. Also, they are easier to mount tires on, and use valve stems that are easier to source. If you want to keep your car absolutely correct, you should avoid them. Otherwise, they offer a more practical solution than the correct wheels.
    I was not aware that they were two types of 15x6 Fuchs.
    Could someone please educate me more?
    I have a set of 15x6 on my car which is a 70 S, how do i know i have the correct ones for my car?

  5. #5
    Check out this thread on the Pelican
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

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