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Thread: Wheel opening trim source?

  1. #1

    Wheel opening trim source?

    Does anyone know of a source for the optional aluminum trim that lines the wheel openings? Sorry, I don't know the part or option numbers.


    1972 911S- viper green
    1970 914/6- tangerine
    1967 Ferrari 330GTC- oro chiaro

  2. #2

    While I don't know of a source for new pieces,
    I do have a complete set off my 73 911 coupe wrapped up in my garage.
    I took the trim off years ago when I had the car repainted and had the holes welded up.
    It's not concourse condition, but it is original.
    If you are interested, make me an offer as I have no plans to put it back on.

    Tom Wilkinson

    1970 914-6 2.5
    1973 911 2.7RS spec.

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