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Thread: R Gruppe Thursday Caravan details

  1. #1

    Thumbs up R Gruppe Thursday Caravan details

    OK Guys,
    Sorry for the delays. Just got my car back running tonight and still have a lot of details to finish.
    Here's the details:
    S.D. and O.C. guys meet Thursday Morning 5:30 to 5:45 AM at
    405 North exit Los Alamitos/Seal Beach Blvd. right at signal then right again at first signal Lampson. Right into first driveway hotel parking lot. We will be leaving at 6:00 AM SHARP! To avoid L.A. rush hour traffic. If you can't make this first meeting place you will have time to catch up and meet us at the next meet up spot in Thousand Oaks.
    101 North to Thousand Oaks, exit Westlake Blvd. off ramp, right at signal. Continue to next signal make left or U turn into Mall on left side. Meet at Starbucks at 8:00 to 8:30 AM. We will be leaving at 9:00 SHARP!
    We will be stopping for lunch in Port San Luis for lunch at aprox. 11:30.
    Any questions call or email me 949 830-3301 or
    see you Thursday!

  2. #2

    More Information

    Anyone joining us on the caravan PLEASE email me so I have a count on how many to expect. Thanks!

    All the best!

    Roger Grago
    R Gruppe #27

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