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Thread: door noise

  1. #1

    door noise

    Does anyone have a fix for the wind noise that comes from the front of the driver's door?
    I have changed the door seal and the door is not misaligned. I understand that that the wind noise is a common problem.

  2. #2
    I haven't heard of a suitable fix for this. The wind noise kits you can buy are a handful of plastic clips that go over the window frame and don't help the noise. I've heard of other people replacing all seals with no luck. Possibly the new seals aren't the same profile as originals? It makes me wonder if these cars were quiet when they were new. Maybe pwd72S will chime in. Of course my guess is that his has no wind noise

    The worst areas in my car are right in the front bottom corners by the mirror. I have thought of a temporary fix like discretely adding a small piece of adhesive backed weatherstripping to the seal in certain areas. This may close up the gap but wouldn't look good or probably last very long.

  3. #3
    these cars were not quiet when they were new -- nearly every magazine testing them complained about it.

    but can they be made quieter? that's the question.

    and your car may be noisier than when it was new....

  4. #4
    from speaking with my mechanic who worked on these cars from new it seems there has always been an airleak around the driver's door leading edge...original rubber or not.
    I was just wondering if anyone had devise a fix.

  5. #5
    FWIW, when I bought my car it was without the interior door cap that runs along the top of the door panel, and there was no wind noise. After I installed the cap, there was wind noise. It seems the door cap presses down the door seal, allowing wind in. I wonder if the end of the cap could be modified so it doesn't interfere with the seal?
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

  6. #6
    If you register (free) at the Portsche Club GB forum Gary71 posted a long and comprehensive wind noise fix that has worked well for his coupe....
    1972 2.4S Targa

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In my (original ) 1970 Coupe, I can drive at 90 mph and hear the radio no problem at very low volumes; virtually no wind noise. In my 1969 S, well, let's just say I wear earplugs or my Ipod

    Difference? Original but old seals on the '70, new seals on the '69
    Early S Reg #675

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by willbrown
    If you register (free) at the Portsche Club GB forum Gary71 posted a long and comprehensive wind noise fix that has worked well for his coupe....

    Can post at least a partial, starter URL? All I can find is 968 stuff. Thx.

  9. #9

    here you go:


    1972 2.4S Targa

  10. #10
    I have the same issue with the noise and this lead was very helpful.

    It seems as one of the issues is the new types of rubber lists - does anyone know where one could find the "old type" of rubber list that hopefully would insulate the noise better??


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