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Thread: What's your "working Toolkit" weigh?

  1. #1

    What's your "working Toolkit" weigh?

    Since I don't have my car yet, I am relegated to silly pursuits. So I have put together my "working toolkit." This is the one that I will have in my trunk that I will use, just in case.

    I don't have any spares yet, but what I plan to buy and carry is a fan belt, throttle cable, clutch cable, injector pump belt, points and condenser, fuses, some latex gloves, rags, duct tape, electrical tape, some cable ties, a few 1156/1157 bulbs, and 1 quart of Castrol.

    This kit weighs 16.8 pounds and consists of:

    Modified 944 scissors jack
    Jack Plate
    Open end wrench set - 6 mm - 19 mm
    Combination wrench 22 mm
    1/2" breaker bar with 2" extension
    Socket set 1/2" 19mm socket (for lug wrenching)
    3/8" sockets - 10 mm - 19 mm
    1/4" sockets - 5 mm - 10 mm
    3/8" ratchet with 3" extension and 13/16 swivel socket
    Fan pulley wrench
    10" Adjustable wrench
    8" linesman's pliers
    Phillilps #2 screwdriver
    Standard 1/4" screwdriver
    12" canvas bag

    I have attached a picture of the lot.

    What do you carry, and what does yours weigh?

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    Early 911S Registry Member #537

    73 - Viper Green 911E Targa - Kermit - Gone but not forgotten

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  2. #2
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
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    San Dimas, CA

    Re: What's your "working Toolkit" weigh?

    Originally posted by larry47us
    Since I don't have my car yet, I am relegated to silly pursuits. So I have put together my "working toolkit." This is the one that I will have in my trunk that I will use, just in case.

    I don't have any spares yet, but what I plan to buy and carry is ... throttle cable, ...

    I don't think 911s have throttle cables. I know my '65 has rods and bellcranks.

  3. #3
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
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    San Dimas, CA
    I actually carry mainly open end wrenches and some parts that came from Porsche toolkits. I probably should test some of those things--I think I have a 912 spark plug wrench in there and I hope it fits.

    I have some silly things: I keep my synchrometer in the car, as well as the 19m soft socket but I don't have a 1/2 inch square drive with it.

    The only parts I ever needed on a long trip were a set of cam oil feed lines. I didn't have a set but I managed to limp to Stoddards trailing a line of 15-W50 Castrol.

    One thing I have noticed is that the only replacement points seem to be Beru brand. I tried to instal some and found that I would have needed to enlarge the slot for the adjusting/clamping screw. Maybe carrying a small file is a good idea.

    I have later version of a 911 jack I got at a swap meet for $ 25. It works much better than the Bilstein 356 style jack.

  4. #4

    Re: Re: What's your "working Toolkit" weigh?

    Originally posted by NeunElf
    I don't think 911s have throttle cables. I know my '65 has rods and bellcranks.

    It seemed logical that a set of spares would be worthwhile. Even though I might not yet be able to replace these things myself yet, it will be probably easier to find a mechanic on a road trip willing to help out than it will be to find the needed parts. As I go to buy them, I will "discover" if they are available or not.

    I tried to put together a kit that duplicated what Porsche delivered with my car. The only real add-on is the socket set. But I found that I could buy a whole socket set for $2.50 more than just the 3/8" ratchet. The marketing approach won out.

    My hope is that I will never need to use it, but that's the point with all of these, isn't it?

    Guess that I could have looked for a later 911 jack (didn't think of that), but an aluminum 944 scissors jack seemed more "Porsche" than the Napa jack that people were suggesting. The real stinger is the jack plate. The damn thing weighs 2.2 pounds. The jack weighs 4.2 pounds, and all the rest of the tools are 10.4 pounds.

    Early 911S Registry Member #537

    73 - Viper Green 911E Targa - Kermit - Gone but not forgotten

    Kermit's Short Story and Pix on the 911E Website

    06 - Lexus IS250 MT6
    98 - Volvo 70V XC

  5. #5
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
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    I also have a more-or-less genuine Porsche 911 travelling kit. The bag was masquerading as a toolkit when I got the car, and I added virtually all the parts (the list is in your parts book). So far, it has provided a set of points to a wounded '66.

    A "travelling kit" pretty much lets you tear down and rebuild one side of the engine. Or, it would if you knew how...

    I still need to get a fuel pump rebuild kit. Somebody mentioned a source on this message board--I just have to get around to contacting them. There used to be stories of folks carrying cam tensioners for roadside repairs. That's another thought.

    The late-911 style jack is probably lighter than a scissors jack and adapter plate, but less versatile. I think new jacks are over $ 125, but if you spot one at a swap meet...

  6. #6
    Larry, I've been meaning to answer this for days...but never got around to weighing everything. My NAPA jack was purchased wayyy back, long before the 944 was ever built. Aluminum scissors jacks from that model looks good to me. Total weight I carry? Too much! I estimate between 45-50 pounds of tools and spares. Perhaps more. The list would be too long to make. I just kept adding what I thought might be handy as the years went along. On the plus side, if another guy needs a tool or a part on a road trip? If he asks me, I just might have it... BTW, I DO carry one of the factory made "road kits"...along with lots of other stuff...
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  7. #7

    working tool kit

    fuses and a flashlight!

  8. #8
    Got the flashlight (in the lower right corner of the picture.

    Forgot the fuses - Duuuhhhh.

    Early 911S Registry Member #537

    73 - Viper Green 911E Targa - Kermit - Gone but not forgotten

    Kermit's Short Story and Pix on the 911E Website

    06 - Lexus IS250 MT6
    98 - Volvo 70V XC

  9. #9

    Talking My tool kit

    AAA Premier membership

    I have to admit, I need it more (well, actually only) for my MGB
    Mike Baum #505

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    72 Alfa Romeo Junior Zagato 1600

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