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Thread: Straighten out a door pocket with water?

  1. #1

    Straighten out a door pocket with water?

  2. #2
    Good work. You're a thrifty Scotsman!

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  3. #3
    Well, thanks. But I thought I was dealing with hard to find parts. Especially the longer pocket. So, rather than go look for something not much better, I figured I'd try to fix what I have.

    On those, mine aren't too bad, just a little warpage on the top inner edge which lets it hang into the car a little. the PO let it catch on the door jamb a couple times and that didn't help any.

  4. #4
    Blessed be the lowered RickS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Worshington State
    I steamed mine and used clamps to get it back into shape. It worked for about 6 months but started relaxing again - but still was not as bad a original.

  5. #5
    Years ago, I knew a guy whose dad owned a car dealership...there was a contractor who would show at the dealership, dress up interiors of the used cars...they could repair small tears in vinyl upholstery, had magic dyes that seemed to make the scratches vanish. Maybe somebody down there could dye those scratches out?
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  6. #6
    Thanks, Paul. Some black shoe polish and they look a lot better. The pockets are far from the worst aspcet here. LOL I put some carpet in the car yesterday (prematurely) and it looks a lot less scary. It debuts (again) today at CA Speedway. Pics to follow.

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