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Thread: Friday night drive....

  1. #1

    Friday night drive....

    Just wanted to share the pleasure of the drive...
    Thanks to Rob G's girlfriend Caroline for taking this picture...


  2. #2


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  3. #3
    Blessed be the lowered RickS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Worshington State
    That's what its all about. Getting out and driving them.

    Looking good!

  4. #4
    You couldn't get the sun in better position for that shot if you were able to control it.


    (I just now came back from a drive along Mulholland Drive. I think my tires are still tacky. )

  5. #5
    Thanks Martin,,,,
    But next time get Carolyn's name right otherwise no more Arepa's for you.... !!!!

    Regards, Robert Gross

  6. #6


    Sorry about the spelling....

    Next time it will be Kerry's turn to take pics of your car... which one is your choice...


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