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Thread: I Really Need Your Advice!

  1. #1

    I Really Need Your Advice!

    Two & a half months ago I purchased an 88 Silver Rose 944 Turbo with just over a 1000 miles on the clock. Totally pristine! About the only thing she needed were new tires, still the orig. Goodyear Gatorbacks, and new stone guard strips which had "yellowed".

    My local expert mechanic sent the car to the best body shop in St. Louis to do the stone guards, as the first one didn't 'adhere" to the car. The mechanic called this morning. The reason the first one didn't stick was because it had been clearcoated when the entire car was repainted! And while it was a quality glass out repaint it was not the exact Porsche authorized paint. You can only begin to understand how I felt.

    So what to do. I went to see the car & the body shop owner spent an hour with me explaining what he had found. He has a neat little gizzmo that detects bondo(none), rust(none) but not factory paint either when it touches the cars flanks. He is preparing several options for me to consider from a total strip & new factory paint to a "blending". Forgot to mention when they removed the old stone guards, paint came too, hence the blending.

    I've not spoken with my seller. He has a race shop in Virginia & very rarely dabbles in car sales so he was more the broker.

    Bottom line I'm looking for opinions and other options such as legal. This car was going to be a museum piece & I question it's integrity if I go for the full blown repaint. On the other hand spending some $1500-1800 to "blend" doesn't seem quite the answer either.

    You guys have been a big help in the past so please ....HELP!

  2. #2
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    sorry doOod!

    don' kno squat about 944s, except that they handle ok and aren't worth much...aside from sentimental value.

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  3. #3
    Sell this car and find another perfect one while they are still out there.

    I don't know anything about forcasting the appreciation of classic museum piece cars, but I bet a car with perfect original paint will always be more desirable than a car with a perfect respray. It doesn matter how well the respray is done, it's still not the original paint.

    I do not have a legal background, but I doubt you will be able to prove that a perfect respray has hurt the value of the car. Have the 944s reached classic status yet? If original paint was a condition of a purchase agreement you may have some recourse, but again, I do not have a legal background.

    Good luck!
    #711 - expires 12/05
    1972 911T - Sepia 3.2 - For Sale

  4. #4
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
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    JD, I appologize for my remarks , after all we are all Porsche people and the 944 is a great car.

    A car is only original once and there is a serious increase in value to collectors if the car is pristine *and* completely original, especially the paint. That really is true and I believe that you have legal recourse.

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  5. #5
    The imp. question is: what did you contract to buy?

    Did you specify original paint? If not, then not much for you to go on.

    If you did do it orally, then is there a witness? If no witness, then how are you planning to prove it?

    If you just bought a used car it is probably assumed to be as is, where is unless you contracted for some specific feature (original paint).

    As to value, non-original paint in xlnt shape might be worth 5% less or maybe nothing less at all.

    You can talk to an atty. in your state, but that costs $$

    Good luck.

  6. #6


    Jens, no offence taken here. Anyone who has a 914-6 with all sorts of VW parts & badges is not ever going to get uptight!
    The 944Turbo S is one great handling car & while it may never reach RS status, it is an important part of my group of Porsches.
    I think my original post may have missed it's mark. I buy these things to drive & to exercise them. If I add 1500 miles over the next year it will still be a "museum" piece to me.
    Thanks for your opinions.

  7. #7
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RandyWebb

    As to value, non-original paint in xlnt shape might be worth 5% less or maybe nothing less at all...
    Depends on the car Randy, an early S perhaps?

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

  8. #8
    B-b-buy Bushwood?!?!
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    This smells bad to me. You buy a car with super low mileage like this because it is completely original.

    An honest seller (and I don't buy the old wheeze, "Well, heck, I don't know much about the car, I'm just sellin' it for my buddy.") would have disclosed the respray and the reason for the respray to protect his integrity and reputation.

    You rec'd every piece of paper on the car to prove the mileage, right? Because if they lied about the paint, was the car:

    1.) In an accident?
    2.) Left outside for very long periods of time? Or
    3.) Driven normally with the odometer disconnected, racking up mileage, and in the normal wear and tear, the car needed repainting.

    A car with 1,000 miles on the clock properly covered and/or garaged should have no need for new paint.

    If the seller told you the car was original, you have every right to give the car back and get back all your money. Personally, that's why I'd do.

    Good luck.
    Sandy Isaac
    '69 911E

  9. #9
    Senior Member CurtEgerer's Avatar
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    Sunshine State
    1000 miles on the clock and a respray?????? Something's not right here. I'd guess the mileage is off by a few zeros .....

  10. #10

    Little Recourse


    I think that the "legal" comments made here are consistent with my experience. In Illinois, used cars are sold "as is" unless there is specific contract, or written representations. I agree that the seller probably knew more than he was telling.

    If he is reputable, go back and see if he will give you your money back, since you had been told that the car was completely original. If he said that, then OK. If you just assumed it, or if he said things that lead you to believe that it was totally original, then you're in a tough spot.

    But, my guess is that you own a 944 of questionable mileage in very nice condition. If you are looking for a museum piece, the respray would toast that idea. If you can't get your money back (which is what I think will happen) and you are unhappy with the situation, sell the car, take your lumps and move on.

    Unless you have a contract sale agreement that states that the car is a car in "original" condition, I don't think that you have a leg to stand on.

    Early 911S Registry Member #537

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