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Thread: Bert Olander 911R at Pebble

  1. #1

    Bert Olander 911R at Pebble

    The ex-Bert Olander silver 911R will be listed for sale at Pebble next month through the Blackhawk Collection company. It's in Arizona right now being freshened up and then will be transported to Pebble to be displayed for sale in the tents across the street from the Lodge. No price, but a few pictures and a brief description.

    1967 Porsche 911R Chassis no. 11890020R One of 20 production cars. The 911R model is the first pure-race 911 that Porsche ever built and this particular automobile is the last of the 20 that Porsche had built by Karl Baur coachworks of Stuttgart. This car was originally ordered for Woolworths heir and Scarab car constructor/driver, Lance Reventlow through Zipper Porsche in Beverly Hills, Ca. Reventlow cancelled his order before delivery so the car - finished in "reventlow blue", the Scarab team color - went to Vasek Polak Porsche who sold it to Porsche club event competitor Bert Olander. It then went to Jim Lipps, who drove it on the street only. The motor failed at some point and the crankcase halves were replaced at that time with correct new magnesium Porsche parts.

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  2. #2
    Wow! I would look so cool in that! Of course anyone would look cool in that.
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
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    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

  3. #3
    good god that thing is beautiful. the silver R within a 150 miles from me - i am so there! notice the bosch stickers have been removed from the louvred windows since the matsuda posession. this was the single biggest influence for my car.
    Sent from a pay phone

    888888 eL, Oph'eL'ia

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  4. #4
    2 funny things about this car ....

    1)I used to have a driver's seat like that. I adapted it to my 914's seat track and it was great ... the only problem is it makes you sweat like a pig.

    2)My dad has a quad-pipe exhaust just like the one on the R ... we used to run it on our VW Van's 2.7T motor. It's the LOUDEST freaking exhaust can that I've ever heard; you could hear the thing for miles and it would set off car alarms at the end of the block. When I worked as a pizza delivery boy my boss wouldn't let me park the van withing 100 feet of the restaurant because the exhaust note would rattle the customers' food and drinks off the tables

    But the chicks dig it ...
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  5. #5
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    My favourite Porsche of all time...

    I'm surprised that the auction description makes no mention of the fact that it was part of the Matsuda Collection (the Porsche Museum of Japan).

    Some 'unexpected' features:

    carpets, rear seats, engine sound pad - evidence that it was used for street driving only.

    Bob - I know I don't need to ask this but if you get access to the car please take as many pictures as possible. By the way, note that the front & rear Porsche crest decals have also been removed since its time at Matsuda.

    Early 911S Reg #753
    R Gruppe #105

  6. #6
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andyjboy
    I'm surprised that the auction description makes no mention of the fact that it was part of the Matsuda Collection (the Porsche Museum of Japan).
    If this was the Matsuda 911R, then it was the one sold by Bill Noon at Symbolic a couple years ago for north of $300K, no? It was advertised in Pano after that for $350K, I think. Wonder what it will bring at auction now?

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
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  7. #7
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    I plan to go check out several other 911s so I will certainly take many photos of the 911R.

    Do you know anything about this RHD Carrera RS lightweight #342?

    Is this an auction or sale? I was under the impression it was a sale. Thanks.

    R Gruppe #299

  8. #8
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
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    Since we're on my favorite subject. The Nardi wheel? I've never seen one like it with the larger cutouts. In some pictures of the other cars with the horn button off I've noticed that the bolt pattern is different from the standard Nardi.

    Did the Factory lighten the wheel by increasing the cutouts? There is also detail in the leather wrap at the base of the spokes I've never seen on Nardis with the exception of this one.

    It's been stated that it is an early Nardi wheel but it also looks like one of the early Abarths with the exception of the hole pattern.

    Anybody know more? Could this have been a limited run by Nardi only for this car?
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  9. #9
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    If this is the x-Matsuda car, then I saw it in the tent (either Brooks, Cloys, or Christy's?) at the Quail Lodge for Concourso a few years ago ...

    I remember it had some detail issues... bodywork/paint. Couldn't get that close, but at the price, it looked a bit shabby from my side of the ropes.
    May be all issues are resolved by now...

    I think for the prices people are ask'n, the car should present well... no?

    Chuck Miller
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  10. #10
    Time Bandit Jens's Avatar
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    Notice also the 911R decklid lettering is metal instead of the stickers.

    Zitronengelb R1012 the RatBasterd
    RGruppe #183

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