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Thread: Looking for a RS or R Clone

  1. #1

    Looking for a RS or R Clone

    I have the itch to buy another car, thought I would see what is out there. Looking for something done, the nicer the better.


  2. #2

    rs clone

    I will be selling a 73e rsclone. This car was done at the dealer in 73.
    It has the following and can be seen in Southern Calif.
    sport seats
    2.7 engine
    2.7 rs mfi
    rare 10,000 rpm gauge
    steel rs flares
    factory roll bar
    done in touring spec.
    sports seats/corduroy nice original carpet.
    white with blue
    7's and 8's
    short shift
    the car is fast and handles very well.
    I have a lot of history and receipts on this car
    my cell is 310-871-5838
    Will Sanchez

  3. #3

    Will- Sounds interesting

    Do you have some pictures and what are you looking to get?


  4. #4

    my clone

    I have a clone with an rs spec webbered engine. It has 500 miles on ot and the gearbox. Both were done by the best shop in the Midwest. This was a 1970 S that was a triple A stock National Solo winner in the 80's. It has aftermarket seats, is non-sunroof and the body has 500 miles on it also. It has steel rs flares with ronal 3 piece rims. The interior is stock except for rs doors and a bolt in roll cage. It is white with red decals. The exterior is NOT a concours job, but plenty of money was spent on it. I just got it and am enjoying it but I've had my Boxster S for sale for 3 months and need to shed something for winter.



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