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Thread: CDI and pointless upgrade for 67S

  1. #1

    CDI and pointless upgrade for 67S

    If I install the MSD 6AL on my 67S, do I need the special tach adapter or is it just a matter of wiring? It has the original VDO. The car was purchased in Europe in the 70s and brought back here.

    Also, with the pointless ignition systems like Jacobs, do they use the existing dist cap and rotor? Didn’t the original rotor have a built in RPM limiter?

    I am not mechanically challenged, but I am a novice when it comes to this car. I hope the CDI and pointless upgrade is not too complicated.

    1967 911S

  2. #2
    I installed a MSD system in my stock 67S and the tach did require the tach adapter. The original rotor does have a rev limiting device built into it. There are however, MSD systems with rev limiting capabilities. I am also running points and interested in converting to some other trigger. Hopefully someone has the answer.

  3. #3
    What mods need to be done to the early tach to be compatible with CDI?
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  4. #4
    More than Original
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I have a MSD 6AL and a Crane XR-720 installed in my car and they work great. The Crane uses the stock rotor and cap, it works by adding a disc under the rotor for the electronic pick up. The disc has 6 holes in it to create a signal for it to fire for each cylinder. There is a small optical unit that attaches to the top plate in the dist and goes around the disc and uses light and the holes in the disc to send a signal to fire a cylinder.

    I removed the rev limiter from my rotor simply by removing the spring and weight. I now just rely on the rev limiter on the MSD which is a better rev limiter because it's a soft rev limiter which doesn't cut power 100% instead it fires every other cylinder.

    I sent my Tach to NHS to get it converted instead of using the adapter, but if I did it again I would follow the advice of others on the board and buy the diodes needed to make your own adapter for a few dollars.

    Also make sure to get the correct plug wires if you get a MSD (the stock ones will burn up) and to widen the plug gaps.
    Bret Davis
    1968 911L

  5. #5
    follow the advice of others on the board and buy the diodes needed to make your own adapter
    Where is this info detailed?
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  6. #6

    Like what Nick said...

    Please post the info for the tach adapter from diodes. The MSD unit works very well but has a cheezy decal...compared to the rest of the Porsche engine finish.

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