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Thread: 1968S strut question

  1. #1

    1968S strut question

    From what I've read all of the early S cars had Koni struts. My car has Boge on the front and rear. Is this unusual for an S? The car has front and rear sway bars and vented rotors. A few other people on the Pelican board have S's with Boge on the front and Koni on the rear. Comments?
    1968 911S Soft Window Targa

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin

    '68 S Struts

    My '68 S, chassis # 003, had Koni front and rear. I still have the originals in the garage, but Koni says they can't rebuild 'em, so new ones took their place.


  3. #3
    My car was #036. I guess you could order the car with either shock.
    1968 911S Soft Window Targa

  4. #4
    Card carryin' member! mjmoran's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    That would be odd, although the original owner may have specified it this way. Since the calipers were the same bolt spacing on the early cars, the struts could be changed...also, could have been done later in its life. I have a friend with Konis on his 74 Carrera that is supposed to have Bilsteins...the order sheet says the buyer specified Konis to replace the Bilsteins.
    '56 T-1 356 bent window coupe...
    68 911L Burgandy Red R Gruppe #388
    72 911S Coupe, Sepia Brown

  5. #5
    I have just finished the restoration of a 68S #1054. It was fitted with Konis front and rear. The fronts cannot be rebuilt but new inserts are available. Vented discs front and rear, 3" spacing at the front

    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  6. #6
    Wish my suspension was that clean Nick! What is the finish in the fenderwell supposed to be? is it sound deadening?
    1968 911S Soft Window Targa

  7. #7
    The black finish is Upol Gravirex Stonechip which is like like bodyshutz but gives a more original finish for the early cars
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  8. #8
    Card carryin' member! mjmoran's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    That looks very nice Nick. What sort of plating did you use for the brake backing plate? gold cad?
    '56 T-1 356 bent window coupe...
    68 911L Burgandy Red R Gruppe #388
    72 911S Coupe, Sepia Brown

  9. #9
    Can't get cad plating done any more over here because of Health and Safety issues. Its yellow passivated zinc plating.
    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

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