I am a new member of this board and recently purchased a 1970 S.The car does not have the correct front and rear bumpers.Any ideas where I can find originals?
I am a new member of this board and recently purchased a 1970 S.The car does not have the correct front and rear bumpers.Any ideas where I can find originals?
The front and rear bumpers are no longer available from Porsche, but you may be lucky to find NOS items. Otherwise there are a few good condition used ones around.
Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 - early911.co.uk
Try regular searches on eBay...
Porsche 911 912 bumper overriders bumperettes chrome
Just agreeing with buying off e-bay
I've bought the correct rear bumpers for my 69 car (which had an RS bumper) and am 'watching' for the right front ...
Am i right in thinking that the 1969 912 bumpers would be the same as the 911 ?
(amazing, but is still far cheaper for me to buy in the US and ship to Australia ... even bumpers !!)
1969 ex-South African RHD Tangerine 911T .(based: Sydney)
1970 ex-Southern Californian LHD Conda 911T (now based: Europe)
1955 Series 1 86" Land Rover (original Australian CKD … very slowly re-building) 1987 W124 230e
(long term paid up member)
912 bumpers are exacly the same as 911, front and rear. The only different bumpers are 912/911 -68 SWB bumpers. The rears are longer and the fronts have a different mounting sustem, but brackets could be adapted
Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 - early911.co.uk
thanks for that advice mate
will keep searching on e-bay then !
almost worth importing a 912 for parts .... sacrilage ... but ...
1969 ex-South African RHD Tangerine 911T .(based: Sydney)
1970 ex-Southern Californian LHD Conda 911T (now based: Europe)
1955 Series 1 86" Land Rover (original Australian CKD … very slowly re-building) 1987 W124 230e
(long term paid up member)
Bear in mind that the 'S' had different (aluminium/rubber) decor trim on the F&R bumpers which was optional on the 'E' but not often (rarely) fitted to 'T' or 912 models.
Although it's possible to buy it new, it would probably be cheaper to find 'S' (or 'S' option) F&R bumpers to begin with.
Early 911S Reg #753
R Gruppe #105
thanks Andy
.. of course, could never be that simple !!!
1969 ex-South African RHD Tangerine 911T .(based: Sydney)
1970 ex-Southern Californian LHD Conda 911T (now based: Europe)
1955 Series 1 86" Land Rover (original Australian CKD … very slowly re-building) 1987 W124 230e
(long term paid up member)
I noticed that Stoddard and Mid America Motorworks (Tweeks) have front and rear bumbers in thier catalog. They seem rather expensive to be reproductions.
I have access to both front and rear bumpers along with the correct used rear "S" trim, NOS bumper guards and NOS front rubber strip. It wont be cheap, but I can hook you up with the right stuff.
PM me if interested.
Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale - http://renn-spot.blogspot.com/
1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
1974 911"S" - Silver
1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
10 sec 67 VW
Early "S" Registry #439