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Thread: Deep Dish Fuchs

  1. #1

    Deep Dish Fuchs

    I have guy with some 15" x 6" fuchs that came off his 78 for sale. They have been repolished and painted and are very nice. Are these the same as the 15" x 6" deep dish Fuchs on early 911s, part no.901.361.012.06 or what are the differences? Thanks

  2. #2
    After posting this thread, I found a thread posted a few weeks ago, which now seems to answer my question, on the differences. My next question ,is $800.00 about a right price for a set of nicely refurbished 15" x 6" Fuchs from a 78?

  3. #3
    I have been buying some wheels lately. I have spent around $200 each for nice original 15 x 7's. I got some 8's for a bit less. I sold some cookies for $50 ea. I probably wouldn't pay $800 myself for any 6's except deep sixes And I have some of those as well, but I couldn't get any decent money for them, so I put them in storage.

    I guess what I'm saying is the wheel market is soft, IMO, and my recent experiences support that observation.

  4. #4
    Defender of the Normal John Fusco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Sounds like you're becoming a wheel er dealer Milt - what's a good set of deeps worth these days ?


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    Early911SReg #606

  5. #5
    Did you see my thread "Al Reed says...." ? Well, he said $600 ea, in perfect condition. That would not be concours, just fresh from him, I guess. The consensus here is that is too high and I tend to agree. I have watched the wheel market for a few months. Four months ago, you couldn't find a set of deep 6's and lately there have been several sets up for sale. I really can't see taking less than $375 ea. for deeps fresh from Al. Plain old wheels fetch 300 ea., so at $375, the seller is just getting his Reed money back.

    You know, when I say fresh, that means that they are straight, true and have no chips or scratches. Al checks each wheel for round and true when he receives them if you ask him to.

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