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Thread: inquiry: retro conversion

  1. #1

    Question inquiry: retro conversion

    ...this is rather embarrassing, knowing what connoiseurs and perfectionists the individuals that compose this board are, and this inquiry may be considered sacrilege by some, but nonetheless here I go:

    Would it be a feasible project to retro look a '78-'88 SC/Carrera to appear like an early 911? Would such a conversion be outrageously cost prohibitive?

    I'm not too particular about perfect period correctness. The car would be just a personal extravagance and I'm not seeking to win any concours events. I would like the early bumpers, seats, chrome trim and mirrors. Would the fenders be that far different?

    It seems that such a combination would provide low body weight, the classic looks that I crave and at the same time modern driveability, reliability and corrosion resistance.

    $35 to $40k for such a project? Considering there are 911T's converted to Carrera RS' that are selling for that much, is this an outrageous idea?

    Probably just a pipe dream but it would be nice to consider.

    Seeking your collective kind indulgence.

  2. #2
    you pay a lot of $$ and end up with a heavy car

    worthwhile if you live in the rust belt for the galv. body

    otherwise I'd buy an early car and sell the late one - you'll be ahead a lot of money -- in fact, that's what I did.

  3. #3
    Lots of guys do it. You don't need to spend anywhere near 35-40K.

    For starters, check out this link.

  4. #4
    This is Curtis Autenreith's backdated '88 a few years ago. It looks a little different now (different wheels and vinyl). It's also in a recent issue of Excellence.

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  5. #5

    Thumbs up thank you!

    Just checked the thread. Wow! There's even a kit! How timely that the kit is only recently available.

    Thank you gentlemen for indulging this novice!

  6. #6

    speed autombile alzey gemany

    they offer this speester in retrolook RS for EUR 49'800!
    from s speedster, special color, interior new, lightweight,
    new engine type 993, double ignition, 100 ltr tank, etc.

    280 HP!


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  7. #7

    part 2

    911 speester, carbrio
    238 hp, 07/89
    eur 56'000!

    sorry mixed up the pictures but anyway nice cars! this picture goes up and vis versa! lots of work!
    if anybody interested contact:

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  8. #8
    B-b-buy Bushwood?!?!
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Topanga Canyon, CA
    Yikes. That "Speedster" is one ugly car.
    Sandy Isaac
    '69 911E

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