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Thread: '72-ONLY Sport Seats?

  1. #1
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    '72-ONLY Sport Seats?

    What are the differences between the years for sport seats? Mine had black leather 72S ones originally...would like to find a pair...
    scott kinder

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  2. #2
    Righteous Indignation 70SATMan's Avatar
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  3. #3
    swbSam is the librarian around here. Recently, he told me via a post on Pelican that in '72, the sliders locked on both sides. Mine lock on the inside rail only as do the rest of the earlier seats. In '71, the vinyl or leather was perforated on the bolsters and basketweave on the seat panels if they weren't a fabric, to the best of my knowledge. Begining in '72, the basketweave was gone.

    So, from what little I know, your target seats will be double locking with no basketweave (which is good, beacuse decent BW is hard to find and impossible in the original tan. So impossible, I sold my seats because of this. This is true of perforated vinyl as well, but there are leathers that are close, but again, not in tan. Not good enough for me anyway.)

  4. #4

    Sport Seats

    FWIW, I thought that the double locking sliders started on the '73 sport seats.
    RGr #145
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  5. #5
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    Double lockers started in 73.

    The seat belt warning interlock started in 72.

    Eric...(the other semi-guru)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Soterik
    Double lockers started in 73.

    The seat belt warning interlock started in 72.

    Eric...(the other semi-guru)
    I'm sure you are correct. And we all know that Porsche was not perfect in installing each new upgrade only in certain model years. It might be possible that some double lockers made thier way into some '72's. I really don't know.

    The whole thing confuses me. Like deep sixes being replaced mid year.

    So, Scott, you're safe then, you don't have to look for one year only seats ans you don't have to look for non-available material.

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