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Thread: Bosch Exhaust Gas Analyzer

  1. #1

    Bosch Exhaust Gas Analyzer

    I have the opportunity to buy the original Bosch "Tailpipe Sniffer" that my old mechanic always used to tune MFI's. It is in good working condition although a bit beat up.
    What would something like this be worth on the open market. Is there much demand or desire fro this old tool? I would just like to have it for sentimentality and the opportunity to learn how to tune them myself.
    ANyone have any idea?
    Renn-Spot - Cars & parts For Sale -
    1970 911"S" - Black (originally silver)
    1974 911"S" - Silver
    1973 911"T" - Bahia Red - Now Sold
    10 sec 67 VW
    Early "S" Registry #439

  2. #2
    Just as a data point, you can buy a new Gunson Gastester for around $200 I think. My buddy has one and used it to tune the MFI on his 72 911T....


  3. #3
    Old thread....I know. Did you ever get a manual with the instrument/tester?

    registry# 1283

  4. #4
    This may be a little different. But, I recently got a car with an Edlebrock air/fuel mixture meter on it. As I have played with it for a little and learned about it, I've learned that it is one of the "older" narrow band sensors. More recently the price of more accurate wide band sensors has come down dramatically. As I understand it, the narrow band ones tell you if the car is rich or lean, the wide band ones tell you the exact air/fuel ratio. So, if this is an older narrow band, I'd suggest looking into the newer wide band sensors.

  5. #5
    I already have a wide band o2 sensor for my other LM 1. I was looking to get the instruction manual for a couple older Bosch test instruments I ended up with.
    registry# 1283

  6. #6

    Bosch Exhaust Gas Analyzer Manual

    Quote Originally Posted by speedo View Post
    I was looking to get the instruction manual for a couple older Bosch test instruments I ended up with.
    Hope this helps. I cannot scan it. I suspect like many manuals someone else has, somewhere.

    Center column is in English...

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    Jon B.
    Vista, CA

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