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Thread: 118 fog lights

  1. #1

    118 fog lights

    What parts are required to properly install through the grill 118 fogs on a 73 targa? Do they require a relay? What is the proper location of the dash switch? What is the correct process?

    Thanks in advance,

    64 C Coupe
    73S Targa, soon

  2. #2
    I'm interested, too. What is the proper gauge of wire to use? What is the proper dash switch to use? Where should you connect into the power?

    Will this work as the switch?:


    Is there a wiring harness available?

  3. #3
    Senior Member 911kiwi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Auckland, New Zealand. And Los Angeles, USA.

    Foglight switch

    The wiring should already be in place - ex factory. Look under the left & right fenders near the healights - there should be a grey & a brown wire on each side.
    The switch is located between the rear demister switch & the cig lighter & looks like the demister switch with a light logo in the rubber knob surround & the colour of the light behind the logo (which illuinates of course) is yellow for 69 & 70 & green for late 70 -73. Unfortunately these are not that easy or cheap to find.
    1972 911S
    1967 912
    1959 356A Conv D
    Early S Registry # 306

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