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Thread: Are the earliest sports seats "handed"

  1. #1

    Are the earliest sports seats "handed"

    I am restoring a 68S with sports seats. They are both what I would call left side seats. Is this correct? SWB Sam's 67S appears to have the same layout.

    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

  2. #2
    USE IT.....OR LOSE IT swbsam's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    So. Cal
    for the most part Yes, by very late 68 they started producing what we in the US would call passenger seats ( UK - Drivers seat ) also when they switched from the non-locking tip base (67) to the locking tip base (68) The handle had to be on the door side so one could unlock the tip feature.

    Self anointed Head of the SSSP
    ( Super secret seat police )
    our motto is : if you've got a bug up your ass, we put it there

    67S polo red 307958S (gone but not forgotten )
    87 factory turbolook Lagoon green metallic ( G50 O'yeah )

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