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Thread: FS - Early Porsche goodies...Badges, Oil Tank, Vacuum Tank...oh my!

  1. #1

    FS - Early Porsche goodies...Badges, Oil Tank, Vacuum Tank...oh my!

    My car has gone into paint and body ($$$$$) and I need to lighten the load...I have a bunch of stuff for sale over here (all items OBO): :: VW Classifieds

    including original orange hood badges, shift levers, dash switches, early dash and speaker, etc. PLEASE SEE UPDATED LIST (some items are sold)

    also, not pictured yet, I am selling a complete black interior (basket-weave) which includes door panels (great shape) drivers and passenger front seats (good shape-chrome great) rear seats and backs and rear shelf. The whole lot for $600 or $100 for panels, $350 for front seats, $100 rear seats and backs, $100 rear shelf.

    please email if interested.

  2. #2
    bump for remaining items.

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