Thursday ‘Car Night’ has been an institution in the greater Los Angles area of SoCal for about 30 years. It’s something I looked forward to for about 20 of those. It was a great after work break in the work week… every week, week after week. I have posted pics of some of the ‘Nights’ here on this board.

‘Car Night’ started about 30 years a go by Creighton (Craig) Turner of South Pasadena as a place for like minded English car enthusiasts to work on their cars at his house and maybe have a glass of wine. Through the years it evolved into a night of no work and many glasses of wine drank at different (or annually reoccurring) places every Thursday. Peoples homes, shops, collections, garages, and backyards……. All auto oriented.

A couple of months ago we visited Gary Wells home to share his very eclectic Bentley collection and restorations, and it turns out that someone in the group took/stole a very rare and loved locomotive/steam engine book right out of his lovely home………….. Unbelievable.......

Tina and Chuck Forward, proprietors of Auto Books/Aero Books, and organizers of ‘Car Night,’ sent a email stating other hosts have now come forward and reviled some of the same behavior but did not complain……..

Chuck and Tina said they couldn’t, in good faith, ask anyone else to host Thursday ‘Car Night’

Because of a few bad apples so ends a 30 year SoCal 'Car Guy' institution ………… It will be sorely missed.......

I will post a few pics of past ‘Car Nights’ when I have a chance…….
