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Thread: Toothed or smooth fan belts

  1. #1
    ............. Soterik's Avatar
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    Seattle WA

    Toothed or smooth fan belts

    It appears there are two types of fan belts in the market place, toothed and smooth. Our cars originally came with a 9.5 x 710 smooth belt (which is still available). There's is also a 10 x 710 toothed belt available.

    Any input from those who own shops or perhaps there's a fan belt police that can give me input on the toothed vs. smooth belts?


  2. #2
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Reseda, CA.

    I believe my tool kit still had/has the smooth belt in it, however toothed belts are all that I've put on my car since I've owned it.

    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
    '73S cpe #1099 - Matched # 2.7/9.5 RS spec rebuild
    '67 Malibu 327 spt cpe - Period 350 Rebuild

    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
    ’15 GTI – Commuter

  3. #3
    I am not the fan police or an expert, but I use the toothed belts. I have been told that the tooths allow relieve some of the shear stress on the belt as it goes around the pulley so that it last longer, but if I think about it more then it seems that there is less material to transfer torque so unless it is reinforced with Kevlar or something, maybe it is not as strong?
    1971 911S, 2.7RS spec MFI engine, suspension mods, lightened
    Early 911S Registry Member #425

  4. #4
    I am still looking for a "meth mouth" belt...the best combo of toothless and toothed,
    - 1969 911S
    - 1965/66 911
    - S Reg #760
    - RGruppe #389

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