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Thread: Registering Non Stock LHD Early 911 in South Australia

  1. #1

    Registering Non Stock LHD Early 911 in South Australia

    I am currently in the US and looking at the possibility of buying a SWB 911 in California and shipping it back to South Australia. I know that the SA registration rules provide for special provisions for LHD vehicles greater than 30 years old and there are only a few compliance issues that may need to be addressed.

    However in order to be eligible for an "Unlimited Use Left Hand Drive Exemption" the vehicle needs to meet certain originality requirements, including... "The engine must be of the size, make and configuration that the vehicle was originally manufactured with, or an engine that was available for that make, model and year of manufacture."

    One of the vehicles I am considering is a 67 with a 2.7 engine. This is obviously an engine capacity that was not available until later (I believe the block is from a 1976 car).

    Has anybody had any experience with this / has successfully register a non stock LHD vehicle or had the registration application fail?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Melbourne, Australia

    Are you a member of PCSA?

    Each state in Australia has a historic plate scheme.. and most of the official Porsche clubs (and Typ 901 based in Melbourne) have a historic plate scheme. I run the historic plates in NSW, for PCNSW. We have several early 911's, 356's and some impact bumper historic race cars.

    Acknowledging that the 911 is very easy to "hot-rod", you need to ensure that the car is as close to standard as possible. Perhaps look for a car that has period hot up parts on it. I cannot speak for the subtleties of the SA rules, but often the closer to standard the better, as far as historic plates are concerned.

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