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Thread: FS - early Recaro tip/tilt seat brackets/bases

  1. #1

    FS - early Recaro tip/tilt seat brackets/bases

    **********SOLD**********I found a pair of lighter-weight 'not correct' seat brackets to use in my b*stard so I can let these go. I don't need the real deal and I'm sure these can go to a better place. they've been glass bead blasted then primed with epoxy. I used glass bead because, even though it takes much. much longer than sand, it doesn't affect the metal. all the edges are still sharp, welding spatter intact, etc. it's the best way to keep the steel intact and original.
    when I got them they were completely covered in wurth-type undercoating in the closed position and had a bar bolted across the hook end to prevent opening. the undercoating preserved the steel beautifully but it took a couple hours apiece to get them clean. very nice condition, straight and the mechanism works beautifully with no play in the hinges, nice un-chipped recaro knobs. thanks to the undercoating even the rubber bumpers are in good shape.
    as pictured $1500 plus shipping.
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    Last edited by haycait911; 12-18-2010 at 07:16 PM.

  2. #2
    more pics, if you need to see anything else let me know.
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