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Thread: WTB: I , O 901 gear

  1. #1

    WTB: I , O 901 gear

    I would like to buy an I for 3rd and an O for 4th in good / excellent condition.

    Please PM or email me if you have one you can sell.


  2. #2
    Richard...checking my stock for an "O"....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Dublin, CA
    PM set - I have two sets.
    PCA - 41 yrs
    ex-RGruppe #197

  4. #4
    Have one excellent "O" matched set...let me know
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  5. #5
    Restoration newbie.
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    Jun 2007
    San Francisco
    Quote Originally Posted by jhora View Post
    Have one excellent "O" matched set...let me know
    That's an 3rd gear O.

    67S in pieces
    EarlyS: 1358

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Fremont, CA
    Most O's are 3rd. Those cannot be used for 4th, Richard needs a 4th-O.
    scott kinder

    Registry #614

    9110220587 - 1973 RSR revival in progress
    My Car Thread: "Five-Eighty-Seven..."
    “If it isn't there, it didn't cost anything, it doesn't weigh anything and can't break." - From the philosophy of Grady Clay

  7. #7
    what's the difference....can't it be used for 3.4,or 5...thanks

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Fremont, CA
    Different bearing sizes.

    A 3rd can run as a 3rd or flipped as a 4th or a 5th.

    A 4th can be run as a 4th or a 5th.

    A 5th can be run as a 4th or a 5th.

    A 4th can be flipped to 3rd.

    A 5th can be flipped to 3rd.

    An "O" 23:28 3rd turns into a "Y"28:23 4th/5th when flipped!

    A recommendation to Richard - maybe get a ZD 5th 31:22 (from 914) and flip to 3rd, makes "Ka" (in between K and L)

    A great 901 box is a A-F-Ka-Q-X...lots more fun on street than A-F-M-S-X...with smaller engines...

    just a suggestion...
    Last edited by YTNUKLR; 02-25-2011 at 05:21 PM.
    scott kinder

    Registry #614

    9110220587 - 1973 RSR revival in progress
    My Car Thread: "Five-Eighty-Seven..."
    “If it isn't there, it didn't cost anything, it doesn't weigh anything and can't break." - From the philosophy of Grady Clay

  9. #9
    Restoration newbie.
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    Jun 2007
    San Francisco
    No, a if you have a couple of 4/5 gears there you will see straight away
    why they can't go into third in the intended ratio. They can be flipped into
    3rd but then the ratio is inverted and the helical cuts transmit the thrust
    in the opposite direction from what the designed intended.

    There is debate over whether the thrust on a flipped gear constitutes a problem.
    Nevertheless the gear ratio is inverted so you can't use a 3rd O as a 4th O,
    it would become a 4th Y.

    A ZD when flipped is pretty close to a K, some people call it a KA although I don't
    believe any factory designation existed. KA can be a reasonably short 3rd gear,
    albeit not as short as the I 3rd you want. I = 1.55, KA = 1.41.

    67S in pieces
    EarlyS: 1358

  10. #10

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