
I need to understand more about the '67 and very early '68 fuchs wheels.

I've never seen a 5.5" fuchs with a date before "09 67." the first '68 rolled off the line in august, 1967 ("08 67"). I thought that the research showed that the 4.5" fuchs were part #901 361 012 01, and the 5.5" fuchs were part #901 361 012 04.

I saw an ad where the owner claims that the '67/4.5" fuchs had no stamped part number or date. (To me, that's a bit scary.0

Can anyone add credible testimony re: '67/4.5" fuchs part #'s and dates?

Also, does anyone know whether 4.5" fuchs were still being used on the first few '68's to roll off the line?

Thanks, as always, for sharing your knowledge.
