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Thread: ATL - Caffeine and Octane

  1. #1
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    ATL - Caffeine and Octane

    I thought we should start a new thread to keep track of this event's constant location changes and coordinate participation of the Porsche folks in the area. No affiliation myself, other than being an enthusiast.

    For December 4 2011, the event has changed venue's as pointed out in the above link. It's off of Windward Pkwy/400 now.

    If anyone is making their way up there from the city (including you Neil if your car is ready), I'll be leaving pretty early Sunday from VaHi area with at least another car with me.

    See you there!
    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  2. #2
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    From this past weekend:

    In this photo next to my car is my neighbor John's very nicely done 68 912. He is an avid 356 enthusiast and this recent purchase is his new found interest in the post 65 Porsche era.

    Across the way is a beautiful Light Yellow sunroof 73S, complete with A/C. I have met the really nice owner twice now and I'm horrible with names, so if you're reading this, rap me on the head next time we see each other!

    Missing from this photo are Gil's 68 Orange 911 SWT, Mark's Sepia 73S, and Doc's 73 hot rod. Hope I didn't forget someone.

    The new location for December was a bit cramped for my tastes, as we all got split up parking wise.

    On the positive side, this location is very close to some excellent, winding, hilly, newly paved rural two lane roads in NW Fulton. I used to live in that area and it's a great place to stretch the legs of these cars. After the event, I ended up taking a quick tour to reacquaint myself with the old loops I frequented, and the car came alive as I untethered it from the city living it normally sees.

    So I propose next time we do a group drive after the event!

    Best holiday wishes,
    Attached Images Attached Images
    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Atlanta. GA
    In for Feb C&O - city convoy, show and drive
    '68 912 - SWB Hot Rod 2.7RS-Spec
    '69 911T - 'customer racer' project

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