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Thread: WTB: 1973 911 front seats and door pockets

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    WTB: 1973 911 front seats and door pockets

    Hi, I am restoring a 1973 911 and trying to find a few interior parts. My car has a black interior.
    If any has these they might sell, or know of someone who does please let me know.
    -Both driver and passenger front seats.
    -all door pockets on both sides. The fold out rear ones and stationary front ones.
    -also looking for a stock steering wheel.

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I have both driver & passenger front seats available. Black recover great condition $800

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by srogebry View Post
    Hi, I am restoring a 1973 911 and trying to find a few interior parts. My car has a black interior.
    If any has these they might sell, or know of someone who does please let me know.
    -Both driver and passenger front seats.
    -all door pockets on both sides. The fold out rear ones and stationary front ones.
    -also looking for a stock steering wheel.

    Thanks for the help.

    I have both driver & passenger front seats complete in great condition. $800/pr

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    35,000 ft
    I have the door pockets, let me evaluate them, they've been boxed up for a long time, send you some photos....

    Whe are you located, you might want the parts to be somewhat local, especially the seats to save on some shipping costs.

    looking for 1972 911t motor XR584, S/N 6121622

  5. #5
    Senior Member 210bhp's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    I have a NOS, never mounted, stock imitation leather standard size steering wheel which I believe was an option for your car. The downside is that I am in the UK so shipping will be more than a local source.
    Send me a pm for pics and a price if you are interested.

    73E (home after 25 years) and sold again
    Early S reg. #681

  6. #6
    I'vw got a gorgeous set of 73 seats in factory unholstery that are near perfect ,but only have 1 hinge set. I can snap some pics over the weekend

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