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Thread: 1973 Carrera RS for Sale

  1. #1

    Thumbs up 1973 Carrera RS for Sale

    I’m listing the car on behalf of a family friend as he knows me to be a guy that’s into cars – I sold an Alfa of his last year. I’m not a Porsche specialist so please excuse any ignorance or omissions on my part. The owner is a wealthy individual who has enjoyed the car for approximately 15 years, and is ready to move on to something else. He does not participate in shows, clubs, forums, etc. and has no interest in dealing with the auction circuit. He says he was the first person to register the car, and has used as occasional weekend cruiser. No known racing history.

    You’ll see the undercarriage is extremely clean and rust free, the engine compartment also very nice with the original matching numbers engine. Interior is pristine – no cracks in dash or visible wear that I saw, with the exception that the headliner could use a scrub. I’m not sure if it’s original paint or not; it has been touched up for sure in a few spots, and there is spider cracking in the finish if you look closely. I’ve tried to indicate this in photos. Owner says that no major rebuilds have been done to his knowledge or during his ownership, other than regular maintenance by Rennwerke in Elmsford, NY

    S/n 9113601309
    Engine # 6631277
    Trans # 7831267

    Option Groups:
    102: Heated Rear Window
    220: Limited Slip Differential
    256: ?
    409: Sport seats, both
    419: Retractable seat belts
    423: Outside mirror, driver’s side
    468: Becker Mexico Radio

    Car is located in his warehouse in Manhattan.


    Best offer over $275k

    PM or email me at
    (That cool email address will be transferred to the new owner upon request)

  2. #2
    Good looker
    SReg. #778 OGrp: #8 RGrp: #---
    TLG Auto: Website
    Searching for engine #907495 and gearbox 902/1 #229687

  3. #3
    looks to be a very nice , rs.

  4. #4
    Might I suggest that some one with no history on this site trying to sell a $300K car reach out to an RS expert. It will help you with the sale and credibility.
    Early 911S Registry #750
    1970 911E - The Good Stuff
    2001 Toyota Landcruiser

  5. #5
    I received some additional insight from an RS expert earlier today. Just waiting for his permission to post the information. Cheers, Mike

  6. #6
    Is there original owners manual and tool kit ....etc

  7. #7
    Original country code?

  8. #8
    Senior Member HughH's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    Melbourne Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by mcgregor View Post
    Original country code?
    according to the RS book the country code is "UD" which is original US delivery but i don't know which dealership (maybe Al Holbert?)- maybe Brian F does. (there were 7 different USA country codes)
    the RS book lists 19 cars being delivered to the USA, of which 16 were M491' s two including this one M472 and one M471
    only 1 M491 (0785 which went to Al Holbert) and the M471 (1406) were also delivered to "UD"
    also according to the RS book it does carry code 256 as an option which is one i am not familiar with and cant find on any of my options lists. Hard to tell if it is a typo (possible) or not
    I am also intrigued about what appear to be two speaker grills on the rear parcel shelf. I don't recall having seen those on any early car???
    also interestingly it has the becker radio option - the second most expensive option listed for RS's (to airconditioning which was the most expensive)
    Last edited by HughH; 01-31-2012 at 03:32 AM.
    Hugh Hodges
    73 911E
    Melbourne Australia

    Foundation Member #005
    Australian TYP901 Register Inc.

    Early S Registry #776

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    NW Indiana
    Hi Mike,

    As usual Hugh is on it and he has confirmed what I know about the three road going RS cars brought legally into the US. I am pretty certian at least one and maybe all three came in through Holbert's dealership, but I have never made 100 % certainty of that.

    Regardless we do know this is one of the three that came in, how I have no idea, but cool none the less. One of our own here owns one of the other ones, 1406.

    Thanks for listing the RS here Mike. Not often that unknown RS cars come to market in this manner. It looks like a nice, original car from the photos. Yeah the Mexico radio is very neat to see still in the car. I agree probably a typo in the book or build sheet and should be 258, not 256.
    Last edited by fryardds; 02-01-2012 at 05:06 AM.

    R Gruppe #299

  10. #10
    Senior Member Macroni's Avatar
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    Naples Fla / Avalon NJ
    Very cool indeed..... especially in all original patina....
    63 356 B 2.1L Outlaw
    65 XKE 4.4L
    75 911 2.7 MFI
    86 Sport Purpose Carrera
    19 991 S
    20 RRd

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