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Thread: The Mitty - 2012

  1. #1
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    The Mitty - 2012

    April 27-29, 2012

    Let's attempt a show of hands and some coordination on attending this event, spectator or racer.

    Last I spoke to Michael he claimed he may have Patrick Long there driving his Franz Blam prepared RSR, at least that's what he said a couple months back. I know Doc races some sort of American muscle with the engine in front. And I know there are more lurkers out there who strap on a helmet for HSR stuff.

    For anyone in the Southeast who has never attended, it is a great event that you should try to make. I've been going since the early 80s, and while the hardware on the track has changed a bit over the years, the event is still the best gathering of vintage racing and enthusiasts in the Southeast!

    Saturday is typically the best day to attend if you can make only one. You can camp if you want, and there are nearby motels and even spa resort facility if that's your thing. The paddock is open to spectators, although not usually with your own car unless you get a pass from a participant.

    I'll be there rain or shine and I know a few others will as well.

    Who's in?



    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  2. #2
    Bryce - I plan to attend assuming my motor rebuild does not get in the way. I am waiting for my heads to come back from the machine shop. I will throw a sleeping back in the car and find a nice peice of ground to spend the night. I know Michael (sans PL), Doc, Dick ( a friend of Doc's) and Steve (a friend of the RGruppe guys that races some British box of bolts) will be there. I agree that it is agreat event in the Southeat of you are in to vintage stuff. Hopefuly the weather will cooperate.

    - Farrell

  3. #3
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
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    Farrell -

    Your car looks great and congrats on getting it put back together in time for the event. Nice catching up with you and hope you got some sleep last night at the track!


    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  4. #4
    Thanks Bryce - it was good to see you. Sleeping ou under the starts was great. It was nice and cool but just right. I woke with a littl elaye rof morning dew on my but no big deal.

    Unfortuanelty, I had a little mishap on the way home. I had dropped my cell phone on the floor so I pulled over into a parking lot to find it. When I stopped the car, the cabin filled up with smoke. I jumped out to find flames coming from the left rear hub, behind the rotor. There was not a soul in site and I had no fire extinguisher (buying one tomorrow), so did the only thing I could think of to prevent me from standing there and watching it burn to teh ground - I wripped the windshield washer bottle out and used its contects to put the fire out. I pulled the wheel off and found it had gotten hot enough to actually melt a couple bolts on the cailber. So, it got towed home.

    After all the work getting the motor back together to make it to the mitty, I am sick. I pushed it into the garage, turned off the light and shut the door. I will wait a couple of days to go back out and start disecting the problem.

    - Farrell

  5. #5
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Good grief. Glad you are okay and sorry to hear about this. It sounds like a bad bearing, or geez, what?
    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  6. #6
    I too and sorry to hear about this mishap with the brakes Farrell, but look at the bright side, it could be much worse. You'll sort through it and soon forget about the problem...Good seeing you both this weekend....Bryce, what about my car??? Feeling a little left out here....ha

  7. #7
    thanks Craig

  8. #8
    Oil Cooled Heart Bullethead's Avatar
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    South Florida
    Yikes. That's frightening, sorry to hear about something like that but glad it wasn't catastrophic. We saw several nice 911s (no 914s!?) but surprised there weren't more... no Porsche corral? We only got to the infield twice but snapped these: does anyone here own the lovely red w/ steelies?
    Attached Images Attached Images

    ESR # 1537

    '62 356S Notchback Hotrod
    '67 S Das Geburtstagsgeschenk
    '68 T Targa Sportomatic
    '68 L SW Targa Sportomatic
    '70 914/6 GT

  9. #9
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
    Ha! The red 912 with steelies is Craig's car, the one lamenting being left out of my picture above.

    The black 912 is John Knight's, President of 356 Southern Owner's Group and my neighbor. We caravaned up to the track together on Saturday
    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  10. #10
    Hey Russ...hope you had a great time at the Mitty. We usually end up making our own little Porsche coral somewhere. The 356 guys are almost always set up in turn 9 and there are usually several of us set up at 10a where you took the picture of my red 912 above. Hope to see you soon at RA again.

    For anyone else in the Atlanta area, there is a cruise-in this Sunday afternoon in Suwanee at Sage School which is located at 3585 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Road, Suwanee, GA. It is from 2:00 to 6:00 pm and should be a good opportunity to get your car out for a nice drive. Join us if you can...Thanks, Craig

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