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Thread: SWB rear wheel bearing help

  1. #1

    SWB rear wheel bearing help

    I want to make sure I put this together in the right order. So far I've pressed the inner bearing into the trailing arm. Looks like the inner race to that needs to be pressed onto the end of the hub with the spacer ring also. Plus the outer bearing and dust seals and bearing retainer bracket. Will I be able to do the rest with my big floor press or do I need the threaded rod to pull it together?


  2. #2
    From the hub flange to wheel face the sequence is as follows:

    Oil Seal - O Ring - Outer bearing- spacer- inner bearing with sleeve - oil seal.

    The outer bearing is a light press fit onto the hub as is the sleeve for the inner bearing.

  3. #3
    So do I put all of the bearings, seals, and spacers into the trailing arm then put the hub through and press the inner bearing inner race onto the hub from the back?

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