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Thread: new member here...looking for 1968 911s 118000062 or possibly Dr. Bob Fritz.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2013

    new member here...looking for 1968 911s 118000062 or possibly Dr. Bob Fritz.

    I just recently acquired a 1968 Plymouth fury that has been sitting around for years. in the trunk, which hadn't been opened from the previous three owners because the keys had been long lost, was a duffel with some papers in it. one of the folders was a Georgia title document for a 1968 Porsche 911s #118000062 or, as some Texas title document clarifications state... #11800006z.

    If you have this car, I will gladly send you the docs, if you're in Atlanta, I'd love to see it.

    I had a 1967 912 for a bit, but have since moved on from Porsches...I'd love to come back someday.

    The Georgia owner was a Dr. Bob Fritz.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Peanut's Avatar
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    Aug 2012

    I just did a search and didn't see any reference to the VIN you've listed; however, I think you may have an extra 0 shown, so I checked that as well. I can check to see if the owner is a registered member.
    1968 911S
    1986 Carrera
    2006 Carrera S

    1973 BMW 3.0CS - Frances (gone but not forgotten)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2013


    In doing a little looking through the paperwork, two vins are listed...the one I showed, and the one on the GA title, 11800006.

    I'm thinking somewhere along the way, it was either 11800006 or 11800062 and someone fat fingered the extra 0.

    Thanks for looking, I really appreciate it.

    I found Dr. Fritz. he's got an office not far from where I work.


  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Found him, spoke to him, and know where the 911s might be. I got a TON of info on the fury.

    I see what gets those "chasing classic cars" guys going...

  5. #5
    Senior Member beh911's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
    Could be the beginnings of a great story.
    If the car is local and you would like a second set of eyes on it, just let me know.
    1969 S Coupe #761
    Early S Registry #1624

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    I used to own 11800006. At that time it was silver, and in fair condition. I owned it from, and I'm guessing now, 1979 until 1983 or early-mid 1984, when I lived in Smyrna. I bought it from a guy in Alabama, and it had Texas plates. I believe someone misread the "star" at the end of the VIN stamped in the trunk, which is why the extra digit got added. Being such an early 1968 model, it had some things were were from 1967 instead of 1968. For example, in 1968 the heater control was placed next to the handbrake, but in this car it was still in front of the shift lever. The timing chain covers were also the 1967 design instead of the 1968 design. When I sold the car, it had a crack right up the middle of the windshield, caused by me picking the windshield up incorrectly while I had it out to replace the headliner. Being on a limited budget, I wasn't able to get the correct Fuchs wheels. It had steel wheels on it when I got it, and I replaced them with some cookie cutters that I traded for. I've often wondered where the car is now.

  7. #7
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    California High Desert
    Ridiculously low-LOW VIN

    More, please . . . . .

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