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Thread: Engine Sheet Metal

  1. #1

    Engine Sheet Metal

    Is the engine air/tin/sheet metal interchangeable from a 2.0 L 68 smog (USA) to a 2.0 L 69 S Engine (MFI originally, but will be outfitted w/Webers)? I have drawn a red box around the 8 pieces that my question is aimed.

    It looks like it will all work out, but I would like any feedback if otherwise.

    Thanks again to the experts on the Registry.

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    MBR #2637
    AKA boschdog
    1968 911 Normal Coupe
    Houston, Texas

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Woodland Hills, CA
    I assume that you are wanting to eliminate the rear original 68 tin section (#27) with the dip in it for the smog pump pulley. I did the same, but I only changed out the rear tin piece with a 67 tin unit and retained all of the other original tin. Sorry, I don't know about the 69 tin section.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Fishcop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Port Macquarie, Australia
    I've got a 68L with smog, a 68S without smog and a 69T without smog - I'm pretty condfident the engine tin is identical between the 68S and the 69T and is interchangeable...

    I agree with gsjohnson that you only need to change the rearmost piece.
    John Forcier
    EarlyS #1987
    1968 911 Race Car "Grun Hilda"
    1969 S/T interpretation "Blau Healer"
    Restoration Saga

  4. #4
    Thanks for the responses, you both confirmed my question. I need to find #27 and all the other pieces are fine...easy said.


    MBR #2637
    AKA boschdog
    1968 911 Normal Coupe
    Houston, Texas

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