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Thread: Porsche Heritage from electric to electric

  1. #1

    Porsche Heritage from electric to electric

    Hi everybody, just attended this exhibition in Brussels with some guys of my club. You can find some pics at the link!album-13

    I have mixed feelings about it. Some noteworthy cars (917/30 Sunoco, psychedelic 917, 718, Carrera Abarth, 910, etc) but also insufficient and sloppy, when not utterly inaccurate, labeling (e.g. 904 was said being one of the 8 cylinders but it was indeed a 6 cylinders). Most of the cars would not pass some basic compliance check from the early911s police of this very community (incorrect badges, headlights and other details), a 3.0 RSR was a blatant fake but no label would say it. The pre-911 cars were imho well presented and fascinating (Austro Daimler truly art deco sculptures) but I have not enough knowledge to assess whether were correctly restored or not. Cars were closed and mechanics not visible (unless creative works-around applied). The ultra-rare Cisitalia had no mechanics whatsoever inside (empty shell). Worthwhile visiting for folks living in Belgium and surroundings.
    Member #2768

    • 1973 Biancaneve - 911 2.4 S/F Ivory
    • 1977 Fiona - 911 Carrera 3.0 Oak Green Metallic
    • 1993 Bellatrix - 964 Turbo 3.6 Black

    I keep a registry of 1972 and 1973 2.4 S coupé chassis. Infos always welcome!!!


  2. #2
    Xavier Petit-Jean-Boret Xavier PJB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Seems to be a bit disapointing though. Thanks for sharing :-)
    Seems you had good time and the pics are great.
    O-G 26 - Early911S 2407

  3. #3
    Thanks Xavier!

    Member #2768

    • 1973 Biancaneve - 911 2.4 S/F Ivory
    • 1977 Fiona - 911 Carrera 3.0 Oak Green Metallic
    • 1993 Bellatrix - 964 Turbo 3.6 Black

    I keep a registry of 1972 and 1973 2.4 S coupé chassis. Infos always welcome!!!


  4. #4
    Senior Member StephenAcworth's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Chelsea, Québec
    Nice photos: thanks for sharing! Was there an exhibition catalogue or poster?
    1966 911 Coupe - Slate Grey - 304598 - still in restoration!

    Member #1616

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by StephenAcworth View Post
    Nice photos: thanks for sharing! Was there an exhibition catalogue or poster?
    I think so but I'm not 100% sure ...
    Member #2768

    • 1973 Biancaneve - 911 2.4 S/F Ivory
    • 1977 Fiona - 911 Carrera 3.0 Oak Green Metallic
    • 1993 Bellatrix - 964 Turbo 3.6 Black

    I keep a registry of 1972 and 1973 2.4 S coupé chassis. Infos always welcome!!!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Europe, Belgium
    We've been there last thursday, and honnestly, I was a bit dissapointed. The early car in the silver line up was just bad... Looked like being on fake fuchs, no og bumpers, etc...
    The line up of racecars was cool, but there was not much more to see...

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