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Thread: Moved to South Florida: Mechanic/Shop Recommendation

  1. #1

    Moved to South Florida: Mechanic/Shop Recommendation

    Anyone care to recommend an independent shop in Palm Beach County to service a '70 coupe and an '87 cab? Please be brutally honest!
    Cheers, Frank

    1970 E, 1987 3.2 Cabriolet
    1960 356 B Coupe

  2. #2
    Junior Member Rob Adams's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    St. Pete, Fl
    I don't know anyone in Palm Beach, but i use The Creative Workshop to service and restore all of my cars in Broward County. Jason Wenig is the owner and they are fantastic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Scottsdale, AZ
    KMW Motorsports in Boca.

    If Kevin doesn't already know it, he'll learn it.

  4. #4
    KMW or 901 Shop in Stuart.

  5. #5
    Senior Member platas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Great guys, just did a PPI there and an overall check. Def recomend

    53 Pre A, 65 356
    70 914/6 GT
    65 912, 67 911
    71 911 Targa,72 E Tara, 73 911 Targa
    70 911 S,71 911 S,70 911 T,
    71 911 T, 72 911 E ,73 911 T
    74 911 Coupe
    74 911 Targa
    1972 RennSport Bus

    Early Reg # 771

  6. #6
    Klubsport near wpb.

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