
I am glad that they are making good on your the things that were identified in the PPI. Also that they are taking care of the paint. I am sure that the car will look GREAT!!

Just out of curiousity - are they going to do anything about the oil tubes? I saw a post on Pelican yesterday by someone selling a set of oil tubes (in good condition - whatever that means) for $440 plus a 24 tube oil cooler for $150. It went in a hurry.

But even though I think that it may be typical that these would be dinged and dented slightly (after 30 years of use), I would be less than happy to have one that had rubber pressure hose spliced into the middle of it.

Don't mean to raise a concern on your car, Chris, but does anyone else have experience with these Oil Return Tubes? Would you consider rubber hose spliced in acceptable?
