Tomorrow I'll attend our monthly Registry meeting as every month ... and as every month will be baffled at the discrepancy between paid Registry members and registered message board contributors. I just don't get it... The roughly 500 members of the Registry is making possible the use of the 1170 that use the message board ... I realize that a percentage of the 500 Registry members contribute to the message board but come on... certainly not all, and even at that the well over 50% discrepancy is obvious. This message board is the BEST source of information concerning the early 911 internationally... and is the de-facto information point for the R-Gruppe as well. I hate being the one who has to grind on you contributors... I'd much rather be drive'n my old blue car... or finishing the second installment of my rebuild article for the next ESSES... But, without paid Registry members this message board will no longer exist. Please prove me wrong... I'd would love old Fred Truman, our membership data base advisor, to report we now have a paid membership equal to the contributors of the message board... or even that we broke 1000.

So... please contribute to this small community... please help it grow.

... now how do I step off this soap-box?
