I came to Stuttgart to visit a friend of mine, who use to be the head of the racing dep for Porsche, while doing this i also went to visit another friwn who still works at the factory in the restoraion dep. As my friend was showing me the cars that are being restored for the new museum that will open in 07, he showed me a 911 that was on its side, totally on bare metal. Hes said, santiago have you seing this 911, i said well , is it a regular 911 or does it have any racing history? he said look at it carefully, as i did i noticed a very long back window, so i asked him, what is it? a prototype? he said yes, its 1 of two Porsches built by the factory in the late 60 and early 70,s.
The car looks just like aregular 911 coupe, but its streched like a limo, about 20 centimeters, and reinforced on its sides, it acomodates 4 persons in correct position, two doors though. I asked him about the 2 proto, but Porsche cannot qaccount for it, so it could be out there .
The original color of the car was orange and will be painted the same. While talking about colors, i also asked him about the factory color, silver? but he told me that the Porsche color back then was orqange not silver, and that many cars where painted silver, due to it was quiker and cheaper, but that the color for the factory was Ornage. So i guees you leanr something new every day.
Also during the showing of the classic premisses, i saw some intresting cars, being totally rebuilt by Porsche, 1 of them was a 356 carrera 2.
This car is for sale for 250 K €. they also had a real RS beutiful rebuilt to factory specs, Not for sale though.
any way i hope the story did not bore you guys too much, and will keep my eyes open to se what else i see.
Ah another intresting note, Porsche always made an extra entry on the races, like the Marathon and Martini, so the cars that are accounted are right , but usually there is always 1 more lurking around that is unacounted for. This i was told by someone thats worked for Porsche in the R dep, and that has just found a Gem with racing history. Can not say what it is , but this i have seen already.
well guys thanks for the time to read this and hope it was intresting.