Well, I just came in from the garage after destroying my Marelli rotor. I was going through the carb adjustment procedure and it was going good, not perfect, but not bad. I decided to start over as one air correction valve wasn't doing much and the RPM'S were hanging and not coming down to idle very good. I started suspecting my distributor and wiggled the cap some. I got away with that once but finally the roter caught the cap. Yea, thats right, you heard right. Anyone here want to admit to something like that?

So, I just read this post:
and see EA911's post of the dist numbers. I did a search on distributors. At Stoddards swap meet most everyone said to "get a bosch"

I am now going to try and "get a bosch". I'm thinking it would be nice to be able to get NEW points, cond, cap, and roter.

Is there any way this could be made simple by finding out the correct Bosch that went in my 69 T sportomatic, when the Marelli was not installed? My Marelli is mechanical advance. Will I have any luck finding a mechancal advance Bosche for my car? I'm just trying to get her going, stock, nothing fancy.

I would like to place a wanted ad, but I would like to narrow my request down to what I need?

edit: oh yea, no e in Bosch
